Part 66: September 11 - September 15: X. The Wheel of Fortune
> The school trip is over and it's a peaceful Sunday morning. Nothing of note happened while you were away...
-Tanaka's Amazing Commodities-

...Why do you keep coming back? It must be boring, listening to this old bag's stories...

It's actually interesting.

Well, you're just a special boy, aren't you?
> Hisano smiles cheerfully.

Enough about me. I want to hear something from you. Tell me anything.

(Talk about girls)

Oh my. I think you're going to break a lot of young ladies' hearts.
> Hisano smiles cheerfully.

I wish I could listen to your stories forever and ever.
> Hisano is thanking you for spending time with her...

But...I do not want to see you anymore.

Why not?

I'm sorry...You just remind me of him too much...
> Hisano smiles sadly...

Thank you for everything...Goodbye...
> Hisano left...After saying she didn't want to see you again, she left without giving you a chance to respond...What should you do...?
> The model has been completed! Obtained Silver Scooter. You should put it on your shelf.

Don't you all feel just a bit more mature now that you've visited an urban area like that? Oh, by the way...That cute bear that Sanzo-kun had on the trip...It was really adorable. I get soooo tempted by animals with such unique designs. Speaking of bears, their friends, the pandas, are also really cute. Do you know what they used to be called in Japanese? They were called "black and white bears" and "divided by color bears." A perfect description of how they look. The mixed colors...So exotic...yet so delightful! You need to do some exotic things to become adults, anyway...Hehehe.
-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

There's a certain freshness you don't find at Junes! Every day's great indeed. By the way, between sailor uniforms and blazers...Which is more your speed?

Blazers, definitely.

A young girl draped in mature clothing, walking by with the coolest of expressions...You've got your own taste after all, Sensei! I'm touched! Man, uniforms are awesome. Hmm, I keep sensing someone staring at me. Has everyone fallen for the utterly adorable Teddie? There's no need for anyone to be shy. I'm up for talking with anyone!
Student: This sense of total disappointment as soon as he opens his mouth...It's just as bad as Yosuke. He said his name's "Ted." But he's not a foreign exchange student or anything...
Other student: He's not bad looking, as long as he keeps his mouth shut...Wait, what class is he in? Did we have anyone like that at our school?

A younger boy, hm...? He's definitely out of my league, though. Still, he's trying so hard that I almost feel sorry for him.
> The awkward girl is teary-eyed...
Awkward girl: Your lesson didn't work! I just tried starting up a cheerful conversation with a girl in my class...B-But I got nervous all of a sudden...I said something I wasn't even thinking! "Move aside, ugly; I'm comin' through!" Wh-What should I do? She just started crying...

Apologize to her.
> Your current Courage allows you to give a passionate speech about courage! You instructed her about the social importance of having the courage to apologize for your mistakes.
Awkward girl: Y-You're right...I'll apologize to her. Hurting others without apologizing is selfish and cowardly...I'll go apologize. Maybe after I do, I can try and have a real conversation with her. I can't keep using my bad conversation skills as an excuse...I'll do my best.
> The awkward girl appears to have broken through the fear that was stunting her social growth...You accomplished the request written on the ema! You should report back to the fox.
> Central shopping district, Chinese Diner Aiya...

I'm thinking about quitting school. I might take over the liquor shop. I really wasn't interested in our family's business...Honestly, I'm still not, but...When that woman told me that our family should unite, I know she had a point...

That's a good idea.

It is, huh...?
> Naoki is nodding...

Up until now, I never even thought about taking over the liquor store. It's hard for me to say to you, but...As long as Junes is there, I know our shop has no future. It's not like it's a store with a long tradition, so I thought it'd end with Dad's generation when he retired...

But...Now I think I don't have any other choice...I have to do it.

You should think it over.

Why did Sis die? Er...I don't mean how she died...I don't want to know what killed her. But...Why did she have to die...? Inadvertently dragging me and my parents down with her...Why did everything end up this way...?
> You quietly listened to Naoki's worries about his life...You feel like you were able to support him.

...I'll talk with my parents. I think they'll be happy about it. Then I'll be a productive member of society and live an admirable life. Haha...
> You went home after eating with Naoki.
Announcer: A suspect in the murders in Inaba was safely arrested recently. But what few people know is that the mastermind who brought him to justice was a high school detective. Tonight's report will focus on this Detective Prince, Naoto Shirogane, whose handsome looks are sweeping the nation. Thanks for being on the show.
> Naoto is on TV...

Oh, his uniform's the same as yours.
Announcer: First, congratulations to you and the police for your recent arrest of the culprit. It was well-known that there were a lot of mysteries surrounding this case, and you did a great job clearing them up.

I'd hesitate to say that the matter is "cleared up," as such. It's true that our suspect was behind Mr. Morooka's unfortunate death. But when I cast my eye over the case as a whole, I detect a few things that seem out of place.
Announcer: Oh...Like what?

Unfortunately, I cannot divulge details at this time. But this matter claimed the lives of three people. Hence, I believe even the smallest inconsistency must be investigated.
Announcer: I...I see. I have to say, this is a surprise in light of the police's official statement. N-Now for our next segment, "The Detective Prince's True Identity," where Naoto-kun tells us a little bit about himself. Amazingly, the Detective Prince has solved a whopping 24 cases. 16 of them were...

There's a detective at your school? When I'm older, I'm gonna go to your school too!
> The breezy evening passes...
-Your Affection-


Hey, did you see the show on TV last night? Naoto-kun was on!

That thing about the Detective Prince solving the case? C'mon, we're the ones who actually caught the killer.

But the police were the ones who identified the suspect, and he was cooperating with them on it, right? So it's true that he helped solve the case.

I'm kinda surprised, though. I didn't think he was the type to go after the spotlight like that.

Good morning.

Discuss? Dude, we'll be late if we talk too long...Hey, where's your uniform?

Could you please indulge my current theory on the matter?

What is it...?

First, as regards commonalities between the victims, all of them were kidnapped before they were murdered. The victims were all locals who had been the focus of recent media attention, becoming suddenly well-known...That is the most likely scenario. I don't believe there's anything intrinsically unique about the victims themselves...Haven't you all come to the same conclusion?

Yeah, we did.

Then, allow me to state my point. Will you admit that a number of you fit these identical circumstances? There was a long interval between the second and third deaths in this case. But after I applied the aforementioned criteria, I discovered several similar disappearances had taken place. Yukiko Amagi. Kanji Tatsumi. Rise Kujikawa. All of you disappeared shortly after being shown on TV...Either you escaped death somehow, or you faked your own disappearances in order to divert attention from yourselves...Since some of you had ties to the victims, there came a point where I suspected one of you must be the culprit.

You thought one of us was the killer!? You can't be serious!

This was a prior theory, since discarded. Putting together everything I've learned until this moment, I believe exactly the opposite. You aren't the culprits. You may, in fact, be the only ones with the means to pursue the true perpetrator...Seen as a joining of forces between the rescued, everything falls into place...Of course, this is all speculation. There is in fact a flaw in the theory. It doesn't account for the third incident...Mr. Morooka's murder. He has never been broadcast on television, and neither did he ever disappear. We must also consider the condition of his corpse. The first two victims are still listed with an unknown cause of death...But Mr. Morooka died of an easily identifiable blunt force trauma to the occipital cranium. The police have not satisfactorily resolved this discrepancy, yet they are desperate to close the case. Further action will be necessary to obtain some sort of decisive evidence.

Further action...? What do you mean?

Well, whatever the outcome...the evidence should come to light. You said something interesting to me not long ago.

Hey, where are you going?

-Music Box-

-Aria of the Soul-

You jerk! Th-This doesn't mean anything! I-I'm not dancing for anyone! Wh-Wh-Why don't you just dance your way off a cliff or something!?

> You think you see Margaret smile, but only for a fleeting instant...

AnywayIhateyoustupidclown. Don't read my stuff!

Yatagarasu is of the Sun Arcana. What's Yatagarasu's favorite day? Sunday...I'll be waiting for your return.
I'll have to fake this one. Start with Taotie.

He...starts with Megido. Ignore any appearances to the contrary.

Fuse him with Cu Sith...

...for an Ares that definitely knows Megido.

Next, fuse Ares with your old buddy Black Frost.

That's so Yatagarasu.

Wonderful! This Yatagarasu has the Megido skill...You have successfully completed the request. Riddle me this...What kind of Yatagarasu is a crow with three legs?...I accidentally told you the answer. I'm sorry I spoiled it...I wanted to give you a riddle that my master once told me. It was difficult, yet entertaining, and somehow sad...Since we've begun meeting this way, I've gained an interest in words. Anyway...Thank you for showing me this exquisite card.

Well then...For my next request...I'd like a Yatsufusa that knows Mediarama...If anyone can do this for me, it's you. I eagerly await your return.
Bike Date changes a bit after the Port Island trip.

I just came to drop off these circulars. This gas station is the main hub of the shoppin' district and all. When I come here, they always oil up my bike, on the house. So my bike's in pretty great condition now! Why don't we try racin' somewhere?

Let's go to a hot spring.

The hot springs, huh? I do love huge baths, but...Oh, don't get me wrong. It's cool that you asked and all. You're the only one who gets me, anyway...

Alright, let's do it! A man-to-man bath! We got nothin' to hide!
-Like A Dream Come True-
> The hot springs...You came here with Kanji...

...Um...I guess I should take care of the shop once in a while and tell my mom she should relax here...The future? I hope I can make it to 2nd year...Wait, that's not what you're talking about. Well...
Kanji's Bike Date skills--
Media: Minor group heal.
Atom Smasher: Area 2-hit physical with chance for Fear.
Blue Wall: Electric resistance for 3 turns.
Fast Heal: Kanji recovers from ailments more quickly.
Mediarama: Medium group heal.
> You attended basketball practice. Kou doesn't look very motivated...

Hm...Huh? Is practice over already?

Mine? Yeah, they're just cleaning up.

No, mine...It's over, isn't it...I gotta go home.

Hey, Sanzo, what's his problem? Is he sick or something?

It's something else.

Something else...? What's wrong?

You know, I'm pretty short for a basketball player.


But it has its advantages. I always get a kick out of driving right past all the tall guys. It makes me feel good, like it's something I can do and no one else. Not my grandma, not my sister, it's all me.

But what's the point? Who cares how hard I train? It's not like we ever play any real games. It's totally worthless. It has no meaning whatsoever.

Kou...You serious, man?

I'm out. Later.
> You tell Daisuke about what Kou told you on the rooftop...

You gotta be kidding! He should be celebrating that they let him play, not sulking...

Dammit! I don't get any of this! But hang on, he said it was "pointless," right? 'Cause they don't play any real games...Well then, why don't we give him a real match? Sitting around here thinking about it won't do crap. We gotta take action. Right?

You're right.

That's what I'm talkin' bout! If it's a game he wants, it's a game he'll get!
> Daisuke is pumped up.

Anyway...Where do we start with setting up a real game? Hmm...I got an idea. Hey, you!

Yeah, right. But listen to this. You guys are gonna have a real game, so pick a day and a team to play against.
Basketball player: What!? No way!

Yes way. And if you don't play, I'll tell the teachers about all the homework you're always copying.
Basketball player: That's low, man!

Shut up. You better be ready, too, 'cause it's gonna happen soon. You got that? Soon.

I got some dirt on some of the other guys too, so we should have no problem getting together a full team.

You're quite a strategist.

Hey, is that supposed to be a compliment!?
> Daisuke laughs.

Hell, if we come up short, I'll play too. I don't really know the rules...But whatever, right?
> Daisuke laughs...You two planned a match for Kou's sake...

Alright, next practice will be a real scrimmage. I'm gonna go "recruit" more people. Catch you later, man.
> You parted with Daisuke and decided to go home.
-Sky Full of Stars-
> Obtained Unfinished Scooter.
Hobby shop owner: This model makes scooter buffs drool! The smaller parts can snap easily, so you'll have to be gentle with it. The single-piece frame is what makes this model so great. Just don't get too excited about buffing and scratches on the edges! Now, to make the edges stand out, you'll want to wrap your sandpaper around a Topsicle stick, or else you'll warp the--What? Oh, so you've got it? I see...Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you!
-Signs of Love-
> You overhear students talking...
Chatty girl: Naoto-kun is so cool!
Braided girl: Yeah, he really does have it goin' on, doesn't he...? He's really young to be a detective, too! He's cute, but he has this aura of mystery about him...That's cool, too! You think he'll be at school today!?
-Who's There?-
> The image is hazy...You can't tell who it is. feel like you've seen this person before somewhere...

Now that the killer's been caught, do we still gotta worry about the Midnight Channel...?

But then, someone said the blurry image seemed like an advance notice...

...What exactly is the Midnight Channel anyway? Did it have anything to do with the murders?

Argh, this is so frustrating...! Hey, what do you think?

Did you recognize who appeared just now?

Wasn't it Naoto?

Naoto? Why would he show up on TV?

Now that you mention it, I wonder what he thinks about the Midnight Channel...

Ugh, I don't get this at all. It's gonna keep nagging at me, I can tell...

I'm sure the others saw it too, so let's get together tomorrow and talk about it. 'Night.
> Yosuke hung up.

I wonder who that was...

I talked to Teddie, and he says no one's entered the other side...

Well, yeah. The killer's been caught.


Huh...? What's up?

C'mon, get with the program. You saw the TV last night, right?

So? 'S got nothing to do with us. The killer's behind bars, man. You guys are overreacting. That shit Naoto said didn't make any sense either, so there's no use getting all worked up about it.

Huh...? Naoto-kun?

Uh, no, well...How do I put it...?

What, were you out of it 'cause you were still thinking about what Naoto said? Haha, so you're still hung up on all that stuff.

That's--! I ain't hung up on it!

It's okay, we all understand. Just don't go overboard, man.

You little...I said that's not it! Tch...I got stuff to do. I'm outta here.

Ooh, what? What? Did something happen between Kanji and Naoto-kun!?

W-Well, that aside...Is it me, or does the town seem kind of strange lately? Everyone is in high spirits, for some reason...And they all talk about other people, but never themselves.

Really? I don't think it's anything special. Now that the murder case is solved, people feel relaxed, after all.

That's how society is. They all just want to get in on the latest trend. People get excited fast and lose interest even faster...It goes 'round and 'round. There's no underlying reason for it.

I don't know...It still seems a little too weird...It's like...they're all afraid of something.

Oh...Sorry. I just had this feeling.


It's gonna rain again tonight.

We should check the Midnight Channel just in case.
-Who's There?-
> ...The Midnight Channel came on! It's an extremely clear image!

Welcome to "Experiment of the Century: The Genome Project." I will be experimentor and experimentee both, in a forbidden yet wonderful bodily alteration process! You shall witness my departure into a new realm...The moment of a new birth! From the chosen day forth, I shall walk a completely different path in life...! And I will share this glorious occasion, this memorable day, with all of you! Do stay tuned!
> That was definitely Naoto...

So's this mean he was kidnapped...? You said people only show up clearly on TV once they're thrown into that other world, right!? The hell's going on!? I thought we caught the damn killer!
> Kanji is completely flustered.

Let's discuss it tomorrow.

Y-You're right, you're right...Sorry. I called outta the blue.

Being a detective, solving cases...It ain't worth shit if he gets himself kidnapped...Damn, that idiot pisses me off! Anyways, let's get the gang together and meet first thing after school!
> ...You decided to go to bed early.